Cybersecurity advisory and consultancy
The threats facing the digital lives of people and companies have seen a steady and alarming increase over the past two decades, and the issue of cybersecurity has firmly made its way from the server room to the board room. Cybersecurity is, however, a complex matter, and most business, IT and security leaders feel trapped in a red queen race against the onslaught of criminal and nation state hackers out there. Amplio offers the comprehensive expertise and deep industry knowledge necessary to help you deal with many of the complex cybersecurity issues facing organizations today.
With extensive experience and knowledge, Amplio can help you stregthen your security posture and help you succeed with your next security project or initiative.
If you need help on a security project, we are happy to step in and assist you with our expertise, whether the project is big or small.
Typical projects we do with customers are:
Incident response and crisis management.
Cybersecurity strategy development.a
Cybersecurity procurement support.
Cybersecurity training and awareness.
Cyber risk:
Threat assessments, both strategic and tactical.
Asset valuation and classification.
Vulnerability analysis and assessment.
Risk analysis and assessment.
Cyber readiness and business continuity planning.
Cybersecurity assessments:
Maturity assessments.
Security audits.
If you need help filling a temporary role in a project or temporarily fill a permanent role while you either recruit or wait for someone to come back to your team, we are happy to step in if time allows.
Typical longer-term engagements we do are:
Cybersecurity management consulting anc coaching.
Cybersecurity monitoring and incident response capability mobilization.
Security advisor or architect in transition and transformation projects.